Motion 5 free tutorial
Motion 5 free tutorial

motion 5 free tutorial motion 5 free tutorial

You can find out a lot more about this on the web but I'll touch a little bit on it here. Okay, let me talk a little bit about square pixels and rectangular pixels. Set the color mode to RGB Color, also with eight-bit depth, and the advanced settings should be set color profile SMPTE C, and make sure the pixel-aspect ratio is square. Set the document width to 720 pixels, set the document height to 540 pixels, set the resolution to 72 pixels per inch. If you have that, that's a great start, if you don't, here is how you create a custom template that will suit our needs. The template that you want to use will be NTSC D1 Square Pixels, 720 by 540 with Guides.

motion 5 free tutorial

Now, Photoshop usually comes with a lot of different templates that we can open and create a new file and it will be all set for us to use. Okay, our basic menu layout will comprise of a background, the three text buttons, and then we're going to save that file for importing into After Effects.

motion 5 free tutorial

When we're done this Photoshop file will be imported into After Effects, but for now, let's start by launching Photoshop and we'll create a new Photoshop document. Our first step will be to create our basic menu layout in Photoshop. Here is a short clip of our final rendered motion menu. That's pretty typical for a feature-length film. The three buttons we'll be using in our motion menu will be play program, chapter selection and bonus features. Here is a short piece of the motion clip that we'll be using. This tutorial will feature a motion menu that is NTSC format and four-by-three aspect ratio. I will be walking you through some basic elements of using Photoshop and After Effects, and then the final rendering, and all the specifications you need to understand to create a professional, simple motion menu. Today, I'll be walking you through the basic elements of creating a motion menu from scratch, which will include a 30-second clip, three buttons and a background. Thanks for joining me for my DVD Motion Menu tutorial.

Motion 5 free tutorial